Summary method for emetaFilt object

# S3 method for emetaFilt
summary(object, min_val = NULL, max_val = NULL, cats = NULL, na.rm = TRUE, ...)



an object of class 'emetaFilt' created by running emeta_filter


used only if filter variable specified was quantitative. Minimum value which the filter variable can take (inclusive) to remain in the data


used only if filter variable specified was quantitative. Maximum value which the filter variable can take (inclusive) to remain in the data


used only if filter variable specified was categorical. Levels of categorical variable which should be retained in the data


should peaks with an NA value for the filter variable be removed. Defaults to TRUE.


included for compliance with generic method


If relevant parameter(s) are provided, a summary of the effect of implementing a filter. Otherwise, a five number summary and the mean value for the filter variable (quantitative) or a summary of the number of peaks per category (categorical).